The story of Tata Selo and the realizations that struck its readers

 About the story of "Tata Selo"

    The short story “Tata Selo” by Rogelio Sicat is about a farmer named after the title of story. Tata Selo is a widower, he lost his wife due to a sickness and left the daughter named Saling to be alone with his father. Tata Selo wanted to reclaim his land because he sold it for the sake of his wife who was sick at the time. But he did not have any money therefore he has to work to reclaim the land that he once had. The conflict of the story started when Kabesang Tano forces Tata Selo to leave his land because he already has other farmers on his land. While begging Tata Selo is begging to not to be dismissed, Kabesang Tano keeps hitting him on the forehead. Defending himself, he struck Kabesang Tano and accidentally killed him. From that point, a lot of oppression and inequality can be perceived against the protagonist of the story. 


    It can be seen that Tata Selo was a selfless father who will do anything to reclaim his land for the sake of what is left with his family. He fought against authorities, against injustices because he realizes that he is in the right and he needed to fight for what he believes in. As a reader, I pity and sympathize with Tata Selo because he didn’t have a choice and he was desperate. He was desperate to get his land back for the sake of him and his daughter. But Kabesang Tano didn’t gave him a chance and his reasoning of having already other farmers on his land and hitting Tata Selo with a cane is not justifiable. Even when Tata Selo is explaining what happened to cause the incident the landholder, police, and the chief of the police did not listen and did not considered his perspective on what caused the occurrence. He did not even have any attorney who can defend him with his case and they had him imprisoned. And in the end, Tata Selo lost everything he had. 

The happenings in the story show the reality that there are injustices and inequalities against the less fortunate people. There is a discrepancy between the privileged individuals and the lower class individuals. The rich people have more power against the poor therefore they can do whatever they want and get away with it which can be seen in the society today. Not just in our country but also in different places. They have more access in life because they have the money to spend while the poor keeps struggling sometimes without help coming from the government. It showed that there are people who are being left behind especially in this time where the pandemic is heavily affecting the country and the lives of the people. Not all families have the means to support themselves through this pandemic without having to work. Furthermore, rich people do not only have an advantage on the less fortunate, but also those people who have power in the authorities. There have been many cases where the people in the police force use their power to threaten civilians in the community. There are also cases where government authorities abuse their power to reign over the normal people in the society. And this already shows the difference in power between the rich people and the poor people in the community. 

    This circles back to the saying that the youth as being the “hope” of tomorrow. As a part of the youth community, telling these rich people to stop oppressing the less fortunate will not work. As an individual, I will hone myself to become compassionate to the destitute because at the end of the day, we are all the same people living on the same planet. The only difference is that I was luckily born to a family who can support our way of living. From there, I will set an example and encourage the people around me to help the needy and that all of us are equals. Additionally, for inequality to become a thing of the past, we should also be knowledgeable in choosing our leaders. If we choose the right leaders to lead the country, its people will be able to help each other without leaving anybody behind.

While reading the story, it came up to me that if there is no one to stand against this issue, the cycle will just keep going until the next generations. There should always be someone who will stand against the problem and lead the people so that no one will be left behind. The story depicted the real life situations where oppression is  occurring all around the world where the rich uses and abuses money and power to gain advantage over the less fortunate ones. It also depicts the difficulties and challenges of those people who does not fit a certain criteria. In addition, it also showed how desperate can people be if they are losing hope and they have nothing to cling on.

To finish, this story made its readers realize the maltreatment and abuse that the lower class community is experiencing in today's society. They live their everyday lives in a disadvantage and they keep on struggling without gaining support from the government. Tata Selo showed us that even though sometimes we are alone and we don't have any support, we should always stand for ourselves and fight for what we believe in. This battle between the rich and the poor should put to a halt and all people should realize that we are all equal and we are the same. 

